N vision



DataZoo is another experiment in Data Driven illustration. It has been created as part of practical research into how and if automated and live illustration is possible. What makes it different from traditional animation is that actions and behaviour are not predetermined but are programmed to respond to real-time events. Data Driven Illustration takes its cue from Data visualisation and Big Data stories, but uses these methods of data mining and visualisation to create deliberately subjective visual narratives, not to explain the data, but to make the data and illustration reflect on the story behind them.

This screen recording is a real-time recording of the a series of independent creatures, whose movements and changes in shape are automated and driven by real-time data streams. Some respond to time, weather,some to Twitterfeeds, Stockmarkets, Newsfeeds and even the London Bus Times.

This clip shows a screengrab of approximatly one minute out of a real-time recording

The Data-Zoo is composed out of individual coded objects, each responding in different ways, depending on the way they are programmed and responding to various data streams.

In the following test,  the ‘rabbits head’ is programmed to respond to a twitter stream based on ‘good’ and ‘bad’ as key search terms. This screengrab shows around 50 seconds of a realtime presentation.  This example is used to test thetype of movement and behaviour twitter streams can enable

In the following test,  the ‘rabbits head’ is programmed to respond to seconds and minutes, making for a cyclical and fast growing change.