Geert Wilders, part of the NRC 30 Movers and Shakers 2010
For the NRC, Dutch national newspaper, I was asked to create a series of 30 portraits of Dutch movers and shakers in the news in 2010. Some shook in a good, some in a bad way. Some are known internationly, like Nick Clegg and the Dutch queen and some only captured the imagination in the Netherands, like ‘Lucia de B’ and Paul de Leeuw. Selected by the editor Thomas Wansing and Jaco Alberts, for this wonderful and challenging assignment I was to create portaits that were recognisable and revealing. What a great opportunity to finally lay my hands on certain persons …
I created portaits of Wesley Sneijder, Yuri van Gelder, Totilas, the horse, Geert Wilders, Antoinette Hertsenberg, Jason W , Victor Lamme, Klaas van Egmon, Annejet van der Zijl, Dominique Weesie , Clairy Polak, Paul de Leeuw, Tanja Nijmeijer , Joran van der Sloot, Nick Clegg, Andre Geim, Jonathan Johnson, Marris Janssons, Bisschop Gijssen, Lucia de B, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Janine Jansen, Ernest van der Kwast, Victor Muller, Willem Scholten and Annemieke_Roobeek